Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Thing that fell from the sky

     "Hello my friends and loved ones, I am here today to inform you of our terrible disaster. I am sure all of you know of the things that fell from the sky yesterday at 4:07 PM. You don't know something though, something terrible happened when those things fell from the sky. Those things weren't just space rocks, those things are".......  everyone including myself had stopped, we were looking at the man giving the speach he just stopped. He was looking at somthing off in the distance, but I wasn't sure what he was looking at, I don't even know if he knew what he was looking at. Then, out of no where he began talking again," dangerous they want us dead, now I am sure you are asking, how do you know? I will tell you, yesterday at about 4:10 PM I walked outside to see what had happened, as any sane person would do. When I looked outside I saw a large metal sphere that had landed in my front lawn, I approached the orb of silver and it exploded into a million little creatures that came after me I ran into my house and locked the doors. The creatures were small, black , and slimy......" My father stood up and yelled,"He is lying". Then there was more screaming in disbelief of what the man had just said. The man deflected with," No, I am telling thioe truth look I have to bites to prove it" the crowed stopped, looked, and started screaming things like 'then how do we know you aren't infected with somthing then?', and 'then why didn't you start with that?'

     At that point I decided to leave I couldn't deal with the amount of stress and anger in that room. So once I left I went to find the silver orbs the man spoke of. Then, I saw the orb, it was about five feet in diameter. When I got closer the thing did explode, but not into millions of creatures breed to kill. No. It was a creature somthing not of earth, but it was only a child, a baby more like. It cried like a child of earth but it didn't look like one. It was bigger almost the size of a toddler. I cautiously walked toward the child, and the crying stoped. So I picked up the child, it was a lot bigger than I thought. 

     I brought it to the town hall where the meeting was being held. When I arrived everyone turned and looked at me.
I said "this is what was within the orbs...they aren't orbs at all actually. They are eggs, well maybe not eggs maybe they are incubators of some sort."
 The man said," then why was the one in my yard filled with evil bugs?"
"I don't know maybe each one has somthing incubating in it. The one I found had a child in it the one you found had evil bugs in it. We need to go and find out what is in the rest of them and find out why."

     But everyone just stared and started laughing. They said that I was lying, and I was just a kid and that I was wrong about the whole thing. So I left the child and ran off, I left the city, set up camp. Then I saw it, the space ship. It was hovering over the city, then it dropped somthing, then the city was gone and I was the only one left.

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